[00:00:00] Welcome to the Rebecca Adehill Podcast. I wanna start off by saying that I want my name to remind you to go and live your life big, to take risks, to go all in and write one hell of a story with one life. You know that you have. I'm a seven-figure business mentor, wife and mother of three, and I'm here to share my journey with you as I am constantly moving in the direction of more, more bigness, more impact, more wealth, more depth, and more life.
[00:00:38] My aim with this podcast is to activate and inspire you to go and live your life big in the fullest, most passionate way. I'm so glad that you are here, so let's dive right in. Hello everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the Rebecca Adehill podcast. I hope that you are having the most [00:01:00] magical start to your week.
[00:01:02] The conversation I wanna have with you today is basically a conversation where I am going to kick your butt, basically through your ears, because that's the only way I'm gonna get to you right now. I feel that this conversation is one that you need to hear right now. I don't know what you are navigating right now, but I'm ready to kick your butt and hopefully by the end of this you are actually going to take action on the thing that you have been procrastinating on for some time.
[00:01:29] So let's see if this episode lands with you. I am going to speak on six different topics. I'm gonna work through them quite quickly today, but I just felt into this session basically what I do, I don't plan my podcast in advance. I very much sit down at my desk and I'm like, what is the one message I wanna bring to them this week?
[00:01:50] And then I make about, 4, 5, 6 bullet points, and then I just riff. That is basically the structure because I believe [00:02:00] whatever is coming up for me, whatever I'm feeling into with my clients or if there's a pattern in my DMs on Instagram, I speak on that. And often when I do that, when I can lead with my intuition in this way, it generally lands so freaking well.
[00:02:13] So I am gonna feel into this right now and we're gonna see how we go. If you have a big dream, a big fricking vision for your life, if there are certain things that you wanna do, new levels you wanna reach, places you want to go, but that is not yet your reality right now. We are going to take major responsibility for a lot of things in this episode today, and I am going to hold up a big fat mirror for you so that you can go
[00:02:45] everything that I'm getting triggered by, everything that I'm not moving on, everything that I'm procrastinating on, everything that I complained about, all of my beliefs, my environment, it is all my fault. It's my responsibility. I need [00:03:00] to take ownership and feel into this for you right now. And I'm not saying it, so you can like blame yourself and go, see, I told you so you're not good enough.
[00:03:10] We are not doing it because of that, we are doing it because I want you to realize how powerful you are and how much control you have over your life and the results that you are getting in the places that you go, you are responsible. And when you simply bring the power back into your body, you can change your life and the results that you are getting and the business that you are running, and the places that you are going, you can do that by starting to take ownership and responsibility for everything in your life.
[00:03:43] So the first thing that I wanna speak about today is procrastination. Something that I see is one of the biggest blocks why people don't go to places they wanna be because they spend a whole lot of time procrastinating [00:04:00] instead of taking action, the only thing that is gonna get you places is action.
[00:04:07] Yet we spend so much time overthinking, doubting, comparing ourselves to the point where you are procrastinating taking one simple action like post on Instagram, show up on stories, be consistent. That there is something so small and quite simple that we tend to overcomplicate and read so much into. We don't take action.
[00:04:38] So I want you to feel into this for you right now, where in your life are you procrastinating and not making a decision? Where are you keeping that loop open? So it just keeps spinning and spinning and spinning, and you are procrastinating from making a particular decision. Why are you procrastinating [00:05:00] moving?
[00:05:00] Why are you not showing up in a light that you know that you are capable of doing? Or why are you repeating a pattern that is not serving you anymore? Feel into this for you right now. The only way for you to make progress is to stop procrastinating and start to take action instead. When I learn to master not to lead and drive my business based on my emotions, and when I let my discipline take over, I know that I'm consistent.
[00:05:29] I'm constantly moving. Procrastination is not a thing in my world anymore. The only time I quote unquote procrastinate, it's simply because I choose not to do that thing, and then I take ownership for the byproduct of that. So if there is something that I actually want, or there's a goal that I set out for myself, or there's a new level I wanna reach, or a place I wanna go, I don't procrastinate.
[00:05:52] I don't, and I don't focus on the fact that there is a chance of me procrastinating. [00:06:00] What I focus on instead are all of the opportunities I have in front of me and all of the potential actions that I can take inside of my business, that will put me one step closer to where I wanna go. That is one powerful place for you to start mastering, to stop procrastinating and start to take action.
[00:06:25] If you master this, you are going to be surprised on how quickly you are gonna start moving inside of your business. So ask yourself first, what am I procrastinating on? And how can I take action today? Not on Monday, not next Monday, not next week, not next month. Not when you feel like it, today, because action is what's going to move the needle and also give you the confidence to rewrite the belief that you are a queen of procrastination.
[00:06:57] Now you're a queen or king [00:07:00] of taking action. The second part I wanna speak into today is the level of fear that comes up for a lot of my clients and a lot of people in general, and probably the number one reason why they don't go to the places where they wanna be because they have such big level of fear that completely consumes them to the point where they don't take any action at all.
[00:07:28] So the moves that they are making or the vision that they have is so rooted in fear. They don't do it. So they rather sit back in their beautiful level of comfort and in their comfort zone because it's safe. So I really want to show you that you can rewrite your beliefs around fear, and often when a feeling is coming up that, oh my gosh, I've never done this before and this feels really uncomfortable for me.
[00:07:58] I have a lot of [00:08:00] fear coming up right now. It's not because you are in danger, it's because of the path is very unfamiliar. And when you can actually feel into that feeling because the feeling in your body will come up the same, and that feeling, it's uncomfortable. It's not like a, a warm and fuzzy feeling.
[00:08:19] When we feel fear, when we get nervous, it's not a nice feeling. And often when it's not a nice feeling, our body and our mind is telling us, Uhuh, let's not go down that path because that's not safe. That's not a place we wanna be. But actually it is. So what we need to do in that moment is to actually meet ourselves with compassion, recognize the fears that are coming up, and the biggest part here right now.
[00:08:45] I wanted to say to yourself out loud, "Fear is kind. Fear is just telling me that I am meeting a new edge. This is expansion for me."
When you can learn to say that to you [00:09:00] and give yourself a lot of comfort in that moment when you are reaching a new level, when you are doing something you haven't done before, you will become the
[00:09:10] absolute master in mastering your own fears because now I have fear coming up when I need to go new places or reach new levels or do things I haven't done before. I feel that, but now I know that feeling isn't a bad one. So now I'm like, oh, wow, I can, this feels big in my body. Then I'm like, "how exciting is that?"
[00:09:39] Like this is pure expansion. This is what expansion actually looks like. So next time you feel into this fear, you're gonna go, wow, I'm expanding. I'm expanding right in this moment, and I'm so here for that. That is how you rewrite and also meet fear with a lot of love and compassion [00:10:00] because 99.9% of the time you are actually not under physical threat.
[00:10:05] It's just that the path that you are taking and the new edge and the new level is just unfamiliar. And you need to learn to master that because if you want to be trailblazing, pioneering, like on the top of your field in your industry and create the business of your dream and have wealth and money and all of the things,
[00:10:24] you need to be able to master fear, because if you are going to lead your business with a lot of fear and you're gonna stop every time you feel it, you're not gonna get to the top. And that may sound very harsh, but it's true. It's true. My business 100% flipped and I reach for the stars and I'm still, I'm going to the moon.
[00:10:43] When I mastered fear, I even did a full masterclass on this, how I personally rewrite my beliefs around fear, and that has been one of the most powerful things I could have done for myself. So now I'm like, I find gratitude in the moments of fear. I thank [00:11:00] my body for like letting me know that I am expanding, that I'm reaching new levels.
[00:11:06] It's so freaking cool. So feel into that. For you right now, where are you actually stopping when you feel that fear versus like actually moving through it and feel into you actually expanding. That feeling is not bad, it's just unfamiliar.
The next thing that I wanna speak on right now is overwhelm. I don't know if you feel into this, but there is a lot of people out there that go, "I get so easily overwhelmed, like once my routine goes out the window, I am so overwhelmed."
[00:11:40] "I focus on 500 things at once, and I don't get anything done. My to-do list is so long, I just get so overwhelmed." My view on overwhelm is actually you not having your priorities right. That is when overwhelm comes up, when you are actually five steps ahead [00:12:00] where you actually need to be in the thing that you need to focus on.
[00:12:03] And again, this comes back to you taking action and not all at once. One thing at the time. And I just wanted to take a moment and actually zoom out. The moments when you are getting overwhelmed, if you have kids that get sick and your routine gets thrown out the window, or you have a big project coming up and you just
[00:12:22] fall into this state of overwhelm. I just want you to pause and, and really put things into perspective why you are actually overwhelmed and see if you can find some gratitude in you being so overwhelmed. If you are overwhelmed by the fact that you wanna reach a new level and launch something really cool and you are creating this massive cool project, you gotta stop and like really check yourself in this moment and find some gratitude in what you are doing.
[00:12:49] Because if you have your health, if you have a roof over your head, if you are running a business, or if you are a stay-at-home mom, or if you are a stay-at-home dad or like whatever your job is and if you [00:13:00] are constantly walking around in a state of overwhelm, you need to check yourself and take actually responsibility for your life and stop doing overwhelm and find gratitude in the moments and replace overwhelm for gratitude.
[00:13:11] And the other thing that is gonna absolutely push overwhelm to decide is action. Not five steps ahead, one thing on your list that will move the needle the most. The next thing I wanna speak about today is judgment, which is very real and probably one of the biggest things why people don't show up in their fullest expression because they're so freaking scared of what other people are gonna say and often,
[00:13:37] it's people that are either really freaking close to them or people they don't even care about, and they spend so much time thinking about what other people are gonna think about them walking a path that feels really aligned for them. It is so backwards, and then we start to downplay who we are because we are so scared of other people judging us.
[00:13:59] [00:14:00] I feel sad for people that are living their lives in complete fear of judgment from others because they are giving away the control to people they don't give a flying fuck about. Are you realizing how backwards this is? "Oh, my friends from school might judge me. This person might judge me. That might happen."
[00:14:26] The only people that are judging you, they are projecting hard fears onto you. They are projecting their own limiting beliefs onto you. They are projecting their level of procrastination or them not taking action or something they wanna do if someone has time to judge you. They are clearly not thriving in life, and that gives me the biggest freaking smile on my face where I have ever worried about anyone judging me.
[00:14:57] Would I trade place with them 100%, [00:15:00] without a doubt, no way. Without even knowing if people are out there, of course people are out there judging me. No doubt. I'm not the cup of tea and I'm this, and I'm that. Whatever I am, doesn't matter how hard we try, we always gonna offend someone, but I know for sure in my life I don't have time to judge people.
[00:15:18] I don't have time for it because I stay in my lane. The only people that will judge you are people that are actually doing less than you, and then they find you extremely triggering. They feel really activated by your content, but guess what? They can't stop looking at your stuff. And I want you to feel into the power of that when you realize that the only people that are judging you are actually below you.
[00:15:45] If they were trailblazing, they had their eyes on the prize and know exactly where they are going, they're not gonna have time to judge you. And I want you to feel into that so that can give you great power in [00:16:00] bringing that power back to you so that you can start to show up and express yourself in a way that fully lights you up so you can start leading yourself in a way that you want to, that lights you up, that gives you a lot of energy, that moves you in a direction in terms of where you wanna go.
[00:16:25] How powerful is that? Yet, we turn down the dial on who we are. We turn down our expression to fit someone else's agenda? How backwards is that? So this is like the biggest slap across the face to go wake up. Power back to you. Power back to you. You get to express yourself in a way that feels so good and true for you, and no one is to tell you [00:17:00] how you can or can't show up.
[00:17:03] It's your life, you decide. The next thing I wanna mention to you is around the good old complaining. I don't know about you, but I am really big on this one. There are so many people that thrive off complaining, complaining about their life, complaining about other people, complaining about their husbands or wives, complaining about their kids, complaining about interest rates going up.
[00:17:33] They complain about everything and their life has a big sign over it saying, queen of complaining. Guess what? I don't have time for it. I don't hold space for it. I shut it down because it's not a frequency I choose to play in. So many people look for the problem versus the solution, and guess what's gonna keep showing up in their life?
[00:17:56] A whole bunch of problems. If people have an interaction. I'm not [00:18:00] saying you can't talk about hard things and, and true things that are happening, I get it. But you get to decide where you put your energy. And why do we thrive so much in complaining about shit? What happens if you spent a full week without a single complaint?
[00:18:21] Try and I think you'll realize how often you complain about things. I don't have enough money. I did not have a good night's sleep. The kid's this, I'm overwhelmed that, I don't have enough X, Y, and Z or I am tired, I am this or this happened and whatever happened, my algorithm this... What happens if we just like
[00:18:45] pause that, stop complaining and start to share things that makes you really freaking happy. Start to share things and focus on things you absolutely love. See what will happen to your life. People go, "Rebecca, why are you so [00:19:00] happy all the time?" I said, "because I focus on the things that are really fucking good in my life."
[00:19:05] That's why it's not more complicated than that. Do I have shit going on in my life? Of course I do. We all do, but I don't focus on those things. I don't give them air time. I don't give them my precious energy and time when there are so many other things that I can be focusing on that lights me up, that makes me feel alive and happy, and loved and full of joy in life.
[00:19:32] Why don't we keep speaking about those things? I hold a lot of compassion for people, but not when they are not willing to do anything about the thing they are complaining about. I believe a complaint is valid when you can show me what you have done to fix it. I don't complain about my migraines anymore.
[00:19:58] I take myself to bed and I have [00:20:00] a nap. I don't complain about things that I can't control. I don't complain about other people's businesses. I focus on mine and I focus on doing my business better. I focus on bettering my life. That is the vibe. Where focus goes, energy flows, try it. Stop complaining and start to look for the light and start to look for the solutions.
[00:20:28] I am telling you, it will change your life. The next thing I wanna mention to you is around beliefs. Whatever beliefs you hold, if it's money mindset, if it's a label you placed on yourself or beliefs around others or what you are capable of achieving, whatever beliefs you have, we all have so many different beliefs, and of course they are rooted in a lot of different things, but I want you to know
[00:20:54] that you can actually change and rewrite those beliefs again, I know that you have [00:21:00] heard this so many times, but have you actually spent enough time rewriting a belief that is blocking you from going places you wanna be right now? If you say, I am such an introvert, if that is stopping you from getting to where you wanna go, guess what's gonna change that?
[00:21:17] You first of all, changing that internal dialogue to go, I am learning to step out of my shell more. Rewrite your belief and then let action back up. How you are stepping more out of your comfort zone each day. You have a choice to hold on to certain beliefs that may or may not be true about you, but you are responsible for rewriting those beliefs to one that is going to serve you and your evolution better.
[00:21:48] The last thing I wanna speak on today is your environment, and I am at a stage in my life and in my business right now where [00:22:00] I choose. Keyword. I choose to romanticize everything in my life at the moment. And I truly believe that I have the best life because I choose to have the best life. I choose to look at my life like I am the luckiest, hard working, loving
[00:22:29] mother, wife, friend, business owner. My life is rooted in gratitude and expansion and truly living my life with a deep understanding I only have one. There are so many people that live life thinking like they have two, like they're gonna get back this time and we are gonna redo it. Maybe, who knows? Maybe we will one day, but no one actually have proof that it's gonna be another life.
[00:22:55] If this is the only life you get on this planet, how about you start [00:23:00] living it like it is your only one life? And starting to romanticize everything in your life. I remember so clearly when I started to do this, and it comes down to what cup I choose for my morning coffee. The bedsheets I have on my bed, the towels I use to dry myself off after I have a shower.
[00:23:27] The way I feel when I put on my jewelry, the way I feel when I have my breakfast, when I jump into my car, when I sit down and have one-on-one time with the kids, or when my husband gives me a hug or when I step into my office or when I get dressed, everything in my life feel like an absolute love story, and it's not because I don't have shit things happening, or I get upset at the kids sometimes, or I'm like, oh my gosh, I'm so tired and I'm this and I'm that.
[00:23:59] We all [00:24:00] have those moments. But I choose to romanticize my life and look at my environment pausing and opening my eyes to what I have around me. Bringing that awareness into my life, making you so present. Locking eyes with my new little puppy dog and taking her for a walk or having small talk with a stranger as we are waiting for coffee and
[00:24:29] me doing grocery shops or listening to music in the car, it can be the smallest things. I'm like, I love my life. I love everything about it. I love how I live. I love how I feel. All of the things in my life, I can find gratitude and I can romanticize it. It changes your life. It changes your perspective on life, and when you start to feel better, you will start to do better.
[00:24:56] And when you have that mental clarity, when you get [00:25:00] all of those warm, fuzzy feelings in your body, the mental clarity, but not just the clarity, the confidence, it will give you, the action you will take. It really puts things into perspective, and I can guarantee you that you will go, wow, there is absolutely nothing that I can't do.
[00:25:22] Everything I put my mind to is actually possible for me, and I get to love the journey along the way. I get to embrace every part of me. I get to love every level that I'm at. I get to feel into the bigness of my vision, and I allow myself to show up as my fullest expression. I am going to train myself to take action
[00:25:50] over procrastinating. I am going to get my priorities right so I don't fall into overwhelm that I start to take action. I am going [00:26:00] to live a life where I stop complaining and living a life that is so rooted in love and joy and gratitude, as cliche as that sounds, the only people that have a problem with that are the people that are so freaking rooted in their problems.
[00:26:16] They really want to invite you. To feel into how you have the control to change your life, how you have the control to decide how you want your life to look like and how you want it to feel, and how you get to decide that you want a big freaking life for yourself, a big fat bank account, a tight circle of friends, a healthy family,
[00:26:48] an abundant life rooted in gratitude and internal dialogue that is so freaking kind and compassionate. That is the life I wanna live, and there are things that I wanna do in [00:27:00] my life that I'm working towards right now that are so freaking big. And I'm like, but why wouldn't I? This is my life and I get to choose how I wanna lead myself.
[00:27:09] I get to choose the places I wanna go. It is my choice. We all have a choice. It is your choice. We all have a choice. I hope today's episode gave you the absolute kick up the butt that you need to go and create the life and the business that you want, that you get to step in to be the fullest expression of who you are.
[00:27:43] I hope that you have the most magical day wherever you are in the world, and I can't wait to see you back here next week for another episode.[00:28:00]