Ep 15 - Disrupting the Market with a Game-Changing Offer
[00:00:00] Welcome to the Rebecca Adehill Podcast. I wanna start off by saying that I want my name to remind you to go and live your life big, to take risks, to go all in and write one hell of a story with one life. You know that you have. I'm a seven figure business mentor, wife and mother of three, and I'm here to share my journey with you as I am constantly moving in the direction of more, more bigness, more impact, more wealth, more depth, and more life.
My aim with this podcast is to activate and inspire you to go and live your life big in the fullest, most passionate way. I'm so glad that you are here, so let's dive right in. Hello everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the Rebecca Adehill podcast. I hope that you are having the most [00:01:00] beautiful start to your week.
I'm gonna dive straight into today's conversation. And this month marks a very special month for me because two years ago, in June, 2021, I launched my first ever group coaching program. That was the Six-Figure Women program. And that business program was specifically made to help my clients go from zero to 10K months.
And it feels like it was a lifetime ago, but also it feels like it was only yesterday because I'm still, you know, some of my clients who came into that program, they're still in my world today and some people have gone to do other things and now they've come back into my world and I'm still have a very close relationship with, you know, so many women that went through that program.
But it made me sit down and reflect. And often as we are approaching now end of financial year, I normally sit down and I [00:02:00] reflect on the year that's spin. What was my highlight? What was my lowlight? What were some of my challenges? What am I ready to let go of? What am I ready to do more of? And I kind of do a business stock take because it, it just feels like it's a beautiful way to kind of just mark in the calendar to start a new financial year.
And this financial year compared to any other financial year that I've had since I've started working is by far the most successful year I've had since I've started working full stop. So I'm very proud of this year and I have so many 'Aha' moments, realizations, and lessons and beautiful moments that I'm gonna take with me into this next financial year and the conversation I wanna have with you today.
When I sat down and did this stock take on, my business, I started to look through all of the programs that I have been running over the past couple of years. We've had Six-Figure women. We've had ny Unleashed Mastermind and [00:03:00] Iconic and The Mentor and MOVE and Self-Made, and then obviously my private experiences and master classes on top of that as well.
But if you are looking at all of my bigger programs that I've run, they all have one thing in common. And that is the, my approach to business mentoring and business full stop is very holistic. Now what I mean by this, and this is the conversation I wanna have today, and I truly think that this is such an important part to, to highlight, and maybe this will give you some clarity in terms of the way you are moving forward inside of your business to give you the results that you want and that you hope for. So my approach has been quite holistic and what I mean by this is if I'm looking at my Six-Figure Women program, that wasn't just a marketing program or that wasn't just a program on sales or one program just on mindset, one on just mapping out [00:04:00] your business model that I truly believe in order to have a successful business, you need to look at.
All pieces of the puzzle to combine this beautiful, su successful, sustainable business model that we need to look at your business model. As a start, we need to look at your brand and your brand archetype and the, and the vision, your brand message, and then we need to dive into your marketing strategy and making sure that.
You know exactly how to position yourself and market yourself and attracting leads for your business. Then there's a sales process and then there's a scalability and team and operations and the list goes on. And I wanna give you an example. If I just did a program on marketing, there is no benefit of knowing marketing if you don't know how to establish a really solid brand.
And what's the point of having a brand if you don't have a solid business model, and what's the point of having a really good sales strategy when you don't how to market? And what's the point of talking about scalability when you don't have a team to support you to scale? [00:05:00] So my approach is quite holistic from that point of view that I truly believe in, in order for me to give my clients their best transformation. I need to look at their business as a whole. Where are you at and where are we moving to? And then we need to connect the dots along the way. And something that I'm noticing in the coaching space is that a lot of coaches and mentors are running short programs on one particular topic.
And I'm going to argue that that is the most effective way of running a business. I don't believe it is, and I also believe that we are actually taking away the transformation for our clients and the best possible outcome. By only offering these short, sharp programs that there is no holistic point of view.
Of course, if you're a mindset coach, I'm not saying that you have to go and coach on business because that's not your zone of genius. However, if you are a business mentor, I am going to [00:06:00] encourage you to look at the most optimal transformation that you can actually give your clients that it's not just the one thing they need to focus on.
And at every level that you go, you need to go back and look through what season that you are in. Are you in a recalibration phase? Are you in an integration phase, or are you in a growth phase? And depending on what phase and business that you're in, you need to go back to the fundamentals of running a business so you can continue as you're growing at each level, the foundations and the strategy and the implementation, you need to realign that with every single level that you're at.
And this is why I wholeheartedly believe in a very holistic point of view when we are wanting the best and quickest transformation for our clients. So that is something that I'm really, really proud of when I'm looking back at my journey, that I am able to offer such holistic point of view to my clients in order for them to get the best transformation.
And this is [00:07:00] also the direction that I'm heading in in the next financial year. I am bringing something perhaps really disruptive to the marketplace because I have this fire in my belly that I want to see so many entrepreneurs and business owners become truly successful and truly understanding what it takes to run a business that is built on a solid foundation so you can have a successful business that lasts for a long time. And I think this is where most people don't wanna go because they are looking for this quick fix. They are looking for this, how can I just make some quick cash? So they're looking for the next exciting thing that can give them a bit of a cash injection, but that is most likely why you seen up and down, up and and down in their revenue that there is no consistency and [00:08:00] consistent growth because the core fundamentals and the foundation of the business is really weak. So with that being said, I want you to look inside of your business right now. Would you say that you have a solid foundation inside of your business as it stands today, and does that foundation align with where you want to go?
Do you have a really solid business plan that, first of all, aligns with your circumstance? That you can have a business model that really supports your core values. And again, if you don't know your values, go and anchor into your values and be able to show up to your values versus just saying that you have values but you don't really show up to them.
This is also part about building our foundation, how you wanna feel and operate your business, and making sure that those that actually align with your values. Now, Having a business model that is supportive of your vision and your circumstance, and this is something that I've spoken [00:09:00] about before that's really important for me, the way I run my business.
I wanna make sure that I can be a mom first, that I can be a wife, that I can look after myself, that I can have the freedom and the flexibility and a lot of white space in my calendar through the week. That is really important for me. So what I'm gonna do is that I'm gonna create a business model that can really support that lifestyle.
Now, once I have that, I'm gonna look at my brand and making sure that I'm really clear on my own personal brand and my brand archetype, and my brand and mission, and my brand voice and knowing who I wanna serve, and knowing who I wanna help and the people that I wanna move, and how I want to position myself as a business owner and also as a personal brand.
And once that foundation is solid and I know exactly who I'm serving, I know exactly where I'm going. I know that I have a business model that's really supportive of my circumstance and my future and my values. That's when we can [00:10:00] start to talk about marketing. That's when we can look at a marketing strategy and we can also look at your capacity.
We can also look at your willingness, how much you are willing to do in the marketing space, because the list is endless. And if you are wanting more sales and more revenue before you even look at sales, you need to look at the marketing piece and you need to make sure that you nail the marketing piece in order for you to get sales.
But a lot of people, they go, I'm on sales, so they join. A sales program, which is fantastic, but unless you have done a good enough job on the marketing side, you're not gonna generate sales. And this, again, people start to jump to Facebook advertising and start to try and scale their business, but they don't even have a solid foundation to stand on and they don't have a deep understanding of how they can move and serve their audience through organic marketing before they start with paid advertising. I see so much that people are looking for a quick fix and, and the fastest road. And like, don't get me [00:11:00] wrong, fuck. If there's a shortcut, I'll take it. But I won't take it unless I have the fundamentals and the core foundation right, of my business.
And this is why I can maintain and sustain and continue to grow my business over and over again because the core foundation and the fundamentals of my business are solid as anything. So we can't talk about scale and Facebook advertising unless you have a deep understanding on how to get your audience to buy from you through organic marketing.
I am still not doing paid advertising for my business. Everything that I do is through organic marketing and have been, I think I put $300 two years ago to join a free challenge that I did. I have done no paid advertising yet, but now when I have a really clear, deep understanding of how I can best serve my clients, this is also including you listening to this right now, how I can best serve you, how I can [00:12:00] understand what you are moving through.
Even the topic of this podcast, no doubt that this is going to resonate with you, and that is because I have a really deep understanding of who you are. And before you get to this point, now I can tell my audience to jump and they will jump. I have built this beautiful trust and connection with my audience, so now they have a level of trust with me.
They can feel my authority and my credibility in the space. So now when I launch a program, I don't have to sell it because I've done a good enough job on the marketing piece. So when I launch, move. I am not surprised that I had 50 people inside of that program with no paid advertising yet people are jumping to paid advertising and then they get let down by no results.
And I am personally a big fan of advertising, but not until you have deep understanding of how to communicate and how to serve your audience [00:13:00] in an organic way. So now when you've done a good enough job on the marketing side, now we can start to talk about your sales strategy. Now we can start to see how we are funneling people into your world and how you best serve them.
And we can look at your client journey. We can see where are they coming in, what's the on-ramp offer and where did they come into, and how can you continue to support your client's evolution? How can you make sure they come back and buy from you? Instead of you churning through your clients quickly. So now we've been talking about selling and now you have your sales strategy in place, and now you're gonna have an influx of clients coming into you or customers or orders or product sales.
Who's gonna be there in the backend to be able to hold all of that? So now do you have a team to support that level of growth? And if you have the team, do you have the right team in place? And now when you have a solid team, do you now have a strategy for scalability? And when you're at scale, you're gonna hit another glass ceiling.
If we go back to the fundamentals and the core foundation of your business and your business [00:14:00] model, and we will have to tweak and realign as we go. This is what it sounds and looks like to run a really successful business built on a core solid foundation. So my invitation for you today, instead of looking for the next quick fix, instead of looking for the next mindset program or one on just social media marketing, really sit back for a moment and feel into where am I not solid inside of my business?
Do I have a business that has the potential to reach seven figures, eight figures, and beyond? Even six figures. Or do you have to work your butt off and then end up burnt out? Do you have the core fundamentals and the foundation for your business right now? Do you have a realist, solid personal brand? And this is gonna be a conversation [00:15:00] for another time, but your brand is an asset on its own.
And what I mean by this, when you are building a solid brand, that is now the core foundation. So when we now put a business on top of that, you can sell anything because now your foundation is a really solid personal brand. So now the different business model now goes on top. But again, this is where people go wrong because they don't really know their brand archetype.
They don't know their brand values, they don't know their mission, they don't know their tone. They don't even know what they want to be known for. And this is why we feel a lot of resistance inside, inside of our businesses because we don't have a solid foundation. I have so much to say on this. So my message for you today is if you don't have all of these in place, please don't go into overwhelm and be all.
"Oh my gosh, I gotta do all of this tomorrow." No, [00:16:00] you don't. I wanna make you aware of actually what it takes to build a sustainable business. And there are three different phases that you will continue to go through. One is the growth phase that you will grow your business and your focus in that season is very much the growth of your business.
Then once you've grown your business, you will then go into an integration phase where you are integrating this growth and maybe you are adding more team members, maybe you are working on the, the processes, really cleaning up the backend of your business because you've gone through a huge growth spurt.
And then now you will come in to an integration phase where you are integrating that beautiful growth. And once you have done that, Then you're gonna fall into a recalibration stage of your business. And this recalibration state is to really do a stock take and see what feels [00:17:00] aligned and what doesn't feel aligned and, and look at this recalibration and go, what gets to stay?
What gets to go? What do we get to improve? So we're recalibrating into a new level before we go back into our growth phase. And then we are back into integration, back into recalibration and back into growth. And I think this is why I'm so passionate about actually getting support as a business owner so that I, or any other person that can help you, give you this very holistic point of view and the solid foundation and support system that you need so that you can now step into your zone of genius and outsource and delegate and get support when needed so you can spend the majority of your time in your zone of genius.
Because often it's not about that you don't know what you need to do. Maybe you know that you need a business plan. Maybe you know that you need a brand, you need marketing, you need sales. You know all of those [00:18:00] things. The problem is that at the moment, you don't trust yourself to make that decision and trust yourself that the decisions that you make are the right ones.
And this is why we fall into procrastination because we don't trust that our words and our wisdom is good enough. So then we start to do everything in 50% versus like backing what we believe is going to be best for us and go down that path. And here is the thing with business. Nothing is fucking guaranteed.
No one has a magic wand to be able to tell you exactly what you should be doing. I can tell you the fundamentals and the structure and the foundation that you need. In terms of having a deep understanding of who you serve and exactly what it takes, that's gonna be trial and error. Developing a sales process is not gonna be one size fits all.
It's gonna be a process that aligns with you, your time, your vision, and also your [00:19:00] personal preference. And this is why we need to be able as mentors to really zoom out. And look at someone's business from a very holistic point of view because I can't give you a three step process. Imagine if there was a three step process formula that will work for every single business owner in the world.
I will charge millions for that. So if you are looking for that magic key, you're gonna keep looking because you won't find it. But what you will find is someone that is willing to be in your corner to support you as you grow and evolve and celebrating all of the wins and being able to zoom out and look at your business from a very non-emotional point of view.
Because from that place, when we are not driving our decisions, based of our emotions for the day, that's when your business is gonna crumble. If you let your business, and I've said this before, run based off your emotions and you're very [00:20:00] rational that won't happen. And if you are going through that right now, you're gonna learn to ground that and really step into new levels of leadership.
Running a business takes a lot of fucking hard work, and if you're in one, you know it. And I am not going to sugarcoat this moving forward, there are ways where things can be effortless and things can feel good, and it can be spacious, and it can flow and it can feel fun. 100%. I feel that in my business right now, it feels very spacious.
It feels very abundant, very effortless. But that is not to say that the journey here was fucking easy because it wasn't the journey here required a lot for me. It required a lot of resilience. It required a lot of leadership, a lot of trust, a lot of faith, a lot of putting one foot in front of the other no matter [00:21:00] what.
So if you are in the thick of it right now, give yourself a moment and really zoom out. Zoom out from your business. And look at, am I running this business with a really solid foundation? Because the moment when you do have a wobble, which is very common by the way, we all have them, you know that you are really supported with a solid structure around you.
And when you have that structure, when you are operating a business with a solid foundation and a structure, and you are in the middle of a wobble, that wobble won't feel as heavy and bad because you are so supported. But if you don't have the foundation and that structure, and then you fall into a wobble, that wobble is gonna feel really big for you because you don't have the fundamentals and the structure and the foundation that is absolutely required to go and build a successful business.
On that [00:22:00] note, I have something really profound, exciting game changing offering coming your way. This offer is going to disrupt this industry. This offer is going to change the way you run, grow, invest, moving forward. I have created a place for you, and when you step into this space, you don't have to invest again.
I have created something for you where everything that you need in order to grow. And build a really successful business will be within this space. And once you are in, you are in for good. If you want early access and details to this absolutely game-changing offer, because you've listened to this podcast, I have a very [00:23:00] special something for you.
You need to drop in to DM dms with the word "Offer", drop into my dms with the word offer, and I'm going to share the details with you. I have not shared the details with anyone yet, so as you listen to this, make sure you do it quick because once I go live, this offer is gonna look very different. So now you get first rights because you've listened to this podcast.
This is going to flip the game, and I am going to blow your mind in the best possible way. At the end of the day, your success is my success, and I truly and deeply want to see you win. And now I have put together all of the resources that is going to be required to see you win. I hope that you have loved today's fiery episode with a lot of [00:24:00] very honest truths that really needed to be delivered today that I feel really, really strongly about.
I will love, and I'm hoping I'm gonna hear from you. Feel free to send me an email drop into my DMs, into my Instagram. I'm gonna put all of the details in the show notes. As well. I hope you have the most beautiful day, morning, evening, wherever you are in the world, and I will see you back next week for another episode.