Episode 1. One Life. One Story
[00:00:00] Welcome to the Rebecca 80 Hill Podcast. I wanna start off by saying that I want my name to remind you to go and live your life, be to take risks, to go all in and write one hell of us. Story with the one life you know that you have. I'm a seven figure business mentor, wife and mother of three, and I'm here to share my journey with you as I am constantly moving in the direction of more, more bigness, more impact, more wealth, more depth, and more life.
My aim with this podcast is to activate and inspire you to go and live your life big in the fullest, most passionate way. I'm so glad that you are here. So let's dive right in. Hello everyone. Welcome to my first [00:01:00] ever podcast episode. Podcast episode number one. I am so excited that you are here and today I felt the pool to start speaking.
It has been a very long time coming, but I am finally sitting down to record my very first podcast episode. I have realized over the past, Week. Also, I had an incredible experience that I'm going to share with you that literally changed. My outlook on life, it changed the way I move in my life. It changed the way I want to lead myself moving forward.
So I want to share some of [00:02:00] that with you. And if you don't know me, and this is your very first time, Coming into my world again, the biggest welcome to you, but I am a small country girl from Sweden. I grew up in Sweden and I moved to Australia on my own when I was 18 years old. Now, since I was a little girl, I have been a die hard Backstreet Boys fan.
We are gonna go there. We are gonna go there and if you are smiling right now, we are going to get along just fine. , I have listened to the Backstreet Boys since I was a little girl. They have been there through thick and thin. They have been there when I fell in love for the first time, and they were there when I had my heart broken for the first time.
They have been there through thick and thin. Now I have had the privilege to seeing them live four times in my journey. Now I got to see them live last [00:03:00] week up in Brisbane at the Entertainment Center. Now, what was different about this time, other than enjoying them, watching them perform live on stage, was that I had an opportunity to meet with them.
Prior to the show, I turned into a , a little teenage girl again, I was so nervous. I had sweaty palms and my heart was beating, and my pupils were dilated, and you know, you name it. and I felt like the luckiest girl in the world that I got to meet them all and stand in the middle of the Backstreet voice smiling and posting for a photo.
It was just incredible. Then I got to enjoy. Watching them live. And it felt different because prior to the show I got to be in such close proximity, having a conversation, touching, talking, hugging, you know, getting my photo taken and all of the things and you know, having just a beautiful exchange for them prior.
So I felt really different. I felt [00:04:00] connected, if I can, if I can say that. Then after the show I was like, I know that these boys are gonna go, To and after party, and I am going to get there. So I manage to. Get to the after party, which was literally a two minute walk from the place I was staying. Like, what are the odds?
So I put, got changed out of my heels into my Converse ripped jeans, a beautiful little top. Put my hair up every time I put my hair up, by the way, you know, That. I mean, business, everyone says it's time to let your hair down, but when I'm in business, I put my hair up because that means that I can, I'm gonna rip in, I'm gonna dance, I'm gonna have a good time.
I rock up at this after party. I'm on my own, actually, I'm not on my own. I'm with the Backstreet Boys and I'm in this place called the Red Room, which was the private room that they, they all came into. And I was there, I was, I, I greet to [00:05:00] them up on arrival and you know, we had another photo taken, we had a chat, and then I went on to join them in a private v i p booth.
Yeah, I did that with the Backstreet Boys. It was the most incredible, oh my gosh, the most incredible night of my. I have never had so much fun being in the proximity to so many talented, incredible people that have such huge impact on the world, on people, in the music industry and and beyond, and I got to be in proximity.
To them, singing, dancing, hugging, laughing, getting photos taken, videos, mucking around, having a good time. And [00:06:00] I realized as I'm standing there with them and one of the guys from the back ship boys said to me, you are so beautiful. I said, thank you. He goes, no, let's not. Thank, thank me. He goes, we should thank your parents.
We should thank your parents because you are so beautiful and I wanted to drop to the ground because it's not every day you get showered with compliments from the Backstreet Boys. Thank you very much. Anyhow, what I realized in that moment is that we are all the same. I had this beautiful, connected, like genuine, heartfelt exchange with, you know, two of.
The most talented people in the world. And I was thinking, they're just like me. They're just like you. You listening to this? They're just like us. We're all the same. Their path and their choices have just been different to ours, [00:07:00] which has led them to where they're at today, and that really got me thinking.
Now I have been lucky in the sense. That I have managed to achieve phenomenal success inside of my business over the past couple of years. You know, I've been running businesses for the past 6, 7, 7, 0, 7 years, but in the last couple of years since I launched my coaching business, it has really, really taken off.
and I have been lucky. I could only dream about having a hundred K year now having a hundred K month and beyond. You know, I, I really need to pause and just reflect on that and just be proud of myself for those achievements. But what I've realized is that I have not even met my own edges yet. That everything that I have done to date, of course, I have done some very hard things over the, you know, over the years.
Like we all have, but I live in [00:08:00] a lot of comfort right now in my relationship, in my marriage with my children, our financial situation. You know, my clients, the way I market myself online, you know, my, my routine, everything is very much within comfort for me right now. And I have managed to achieve so much success.
Whilst somewhat being in my comfort zone and then being in such close, close proximity to these men. That have achieved some incredible things over the past 30 years. It made me think and I was like, I'm gonna pick up my game. I gotta do something. I need to start moving. I need to start to pick up my pace and take bigger steps and start to create more impact.
And I'm like, I've got things that I wanna do in my life. I've got places I wanna be. I've got places I wanna go. I've got people I [00:09:00] wanna impact. I've got people I wanna move, I wanna, like, every person that I meet, I want them to live a life full of passion and alignment. And I, I wanna scream that out like loud and clear on the top of my lungs until my message is is out there.
And this is exactly what's prompted me starting this podcast today. Because I'm like, I cannot sit here and wait. I cannot continue to sit in my beautiful like love and light bubble of comfort when I've got shit to do. When I've got places to go, when I've got people to impact, I need to start to make different choices and I need to start moving every single.
And I'm not gonna be comfortable in the process, but every time I choose comfort, every time I choose to just be in my happy little bubble, I'm not growing. You are not growing. And maybe every action and every move that we make is not [00:10:00] gonna be perfect. It's not gonna be a line, but, but if we can just.
Decide if we lead ourselves with utmost integrity, if we know what our true northeast and we discontinue to move in that direction, we will. The snowball effect will start to take place, but it's not going to happen if we are trying to perfect the remove. If we are overthinking every decision, every step, we will optimize and refine as we are moving.
And the only way. We are going to feel more comfortable with the moves that we are making. Is to do the damn thing. We say we wanna blow shit up, yet we are not doing big fucking things that are gonna move the needle for us in that direction. We actually talking more than what we are walking the walk, and that's actually going to be our biggest mistake.
Versus walking and [00:11:00] showing the way leading the. And I'm sure that you can hear the passion in my voice right now because I'm feeling this for you. I'm feeling this for me, and I have a question for you right now. What story do you wanna tell with the one life you know that you have? What story do you wanna tell with the one life you know that you have?
Answer that and start to move in that direction. Because every time we think we have time and we wait for the perfect time, we are going to look back at this particular time. In two years time, are we gonna go, fuck, I wish I started earlier. Imagine if I launched my business. Imagine if I put put my name out there over and over again for the past three years.
Where would I be? Guess what? We can't go back in time. We can't change. Freaking nothing. But we can make a decision today and that decision can happen like literally right at this moment. As you are hearing [00:12:00] this, make the declaration that you are going to change things as of today, but not just to say it.
Let the actions show that you have made that decision. I'm not gonna be about the talk anymore. I'm not gonna hold space for the people that are here to just make all of these claims that actually can't follow through. I'm here for the conversations when they're showing them what they've done, when the commitment that they have to actually progress and move forward, that they are taking action, that they are willing, willing to not just be visible, but willing to expose yourself.
To expose yourself to the world, for them to see you, for them to hear you, for them to feel you, for them to feel your heart, your passion, and to feel activated in whatever way you wanna move them. And you can decide if you just wanna do it half fast. And if you wanna play in your little bubble, that is cool.
Like if that feels good for you. I'm not here to [00:13:00] make you right or wrong, but I want you to decide because if you are someone listening right now, And you know within your heart that you are here to do incredible freaking things. You need to start to move in that direction. If you wanna have this incredible business and blow shit up, tell me what you have done over the past seven days to blow shit up.
Tell me what you have done. Does that reflect those actions that you've taken? Does that reflect blowing shit? Maybe, maybe not. It certainly hasn't for me, and I'm pretty consistent taking action, but in terms of the impact that I wanna create, I'm not blowing shit up. You know? And I've, you know, some people think they might look at my life and my business and the success that I've had that I'm blowing shit up.
Maybe in your eyes say, yeah, but that's, that's cool. Your journey is not my journey. My journey is not [00:14:00] your. So we get to decide what that looks like for us. And yes, I have achieved phenomenal success and I'm proud of that. And I'm grateful for that. But I am nowhere near where I wanna be. I am nowhere near the impact I wanna make.
So I know that I need to start moving. I need to start to do more. And a word that I've been anchoring into is the word more. And it's not about looking at ourselves from a very critical place and look to pick us apart and trying to perfect everything that we do. It's actually learning to accept where we're at right now and moving with all that We are, like all of the imperfections.
You know, sweaty palms and vulnerability in all to go and do something that you haven't done before, to put yourselves in, in places and situations that they freaking expand you, that expand your mind, that ex expand your capacity, that [00:15:00] expands your awareness. And that's exactly what happened to me when I put myself in a room with the Srot boys when I was out dancing with them until three in the morning.
That expanded my awareness. That gave me the biggest like kick in the butt in terms of what I wanna do with my life. And I'm like, I'm just like them. We, we, you know, we, we had a beautiful like, conversation about, about life and about, you know, me growing up in Sweden and we talked about, you know, I, I asked how, how they were going and they're like, you know, I'm good.
I'm so grateful that you're here. And, uh, we just had a beautiful exchange and I'm like, They're not aliens that have gone and done this thing. They're like a human being. They were born the same way, like same as Beyonce. She's just like us. Same as all of these people that you look up to. If I'm a person that you look up to and you've seen my success in my growth and you admire me, [00:16:00] thank you so much.
But I wanna let you know that we're all the same. We are just making different choices. You get to make a different choice right at this moment. Let your actions lead the way. Let your heart lead the way and your willingness to do incredible things and you being willing to fuck up, you being willing not to get it right over and over again.
You being willing to get judged. You being willing, not needing to be liked by everybody and holding on to all of those beliefs, like external beliefs that may or not be there. But what you'll find is that you'll start to show up in a certain light, depending on a belief that you have about others, depending on what you [00:17:00] believe to be true about yourself.
I feel. So called to share this with you, and I am sorry that I have not done this sooner for you. I am sorry that it has taken me some time to go and record this for you. Yesterday was the best time to do this, but today is gonna be the second best time, and today I'm doing it and I'm doing it for me, and I'm doing it for.
And for us, before I wrap up this episode, I want to encourage you to make a decision today, a decision on where you want your life to go and the impact you want to make on others and the impact you wanna have on your own life. The legacy you wanna, you wanna [00:18:00] leave behind. If you are in your twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, however old you are right now, it doesn't matter.
You work with what you've got, you work with the time that you have. I'm 32 years old as I'm recording this, and I know if I put my heart and my soul into creating more impact in my own life and in your life, and all of the people that I'm here to impact, I know that I'll make myself really proud. , and I want that for you too.
And I know that you can do it and every time we learn and be okay with not feeling comfortable that we can learn to actually lean into discomfort, that is when we are going to start to see real growth. So I want to invite you to do that with. I would appreciate so much if you can reach out to me via Instagram at Rebecca underscore [00:19:00] Ada Hill.
I will put my handle in the show notes and let me know if you felt activated by this episode if you are willing to move with me, because at the end of the day, we're all the same. But what I think is important is that you find people that are willing to move with you. And I know as leaders we are, we have to pave the way, and I'm ready to pave the way for you.
I'm ready to pave the way for all of the people that I wanna impact. And sometimes that is going to come with a discomfort, but I'm ready for that because this journey and this life and the impact that I wanna make. That means more to me, so I am willing to go there for us. I hope that you have loved this episode.
I cannot wait to come back and do another [00:20:00] episode. This was completely unscripted and I wanna keep it that way. Because I want you to feel my heart. I want you to feel my commitment to this. I want you to feel my passion in my words, and I can hear it in my voice when I drop in, and I just share from a place of truth.
And I'm so excited that I get to do this for you. I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day. I'm excited to bring you another episode. I'm excited to connect with you on Instagram. Make sure that you say hi. I wish you an incredible day, and I will see you next time.